Here are the links to the
downloadable archives of this site. Please see the included
README file for any late-breaking information.
The 'HOME' page that you need to launch to start in the
right place is called wpdintro.htm, it would be a good idea
to set up a bookmark to it in your browser.
The site is being updated regularly, generally for new
forum messages and links.
If you want to update this off-line version at some later
date, you don't need to download the whole thing. Individual
pages can be downloaded with your browser when you are
viewing then on-line, you should save them with the 'HTML
Source' option.
You will also need to download any graphics on the page
and save them into the same folder on your hard disk. You do
this by clicking on them and holding the mouse down until
the pop-up menu appears (Mac) or right-clicking (PC). Then
choose 'Save this image as..." (Netscape) or 'Download image
to disk' (MsIE). Make sure you retain the original file
names or the links will be broken.
May I point out that, although the site is distributed
freely, the content and design remains my copyright and I
would draw your attention to the copyright notice on the
first page.
No part of it may be reproduced in print or by electronic
means without my express written permission.